} Read and Memorize Quran

Read and Memorize Quran

The Premiere Online Quran and Arabic Academy

Trusted, Traditional, Transformational

Listen to our Students

6 Year-Old Student
9 Year-Old Student
11 Year-Old Student



Educators Trained





Enrollment Types

Number of Hours Monthly Fees
30 Hours; One Hour Every Day of the Month $300.00
24 Hours; One Hour for 6 Days a Week $240.00
18 Hours; 45 minutes for 6 Days a Week $180.00
12 hours; 1 Hour for 3 Days per Week or Half an Hour for 6 days a Week $120.00
9 Hours; 45 minutes for 3 Days a Week $90.00

Our Vision

Produce Muslim individuals accustomed to habitually reciting the Noble Qur’an with disciplined recitation and proper tajweed at least once a month and memorizing according to their capacity, by planting the seeds of love of the Holy Quran and its applications to become a way of life with new appreciation and love and producing future teachers to the world around them.

"The best amongst you are those who learn the Quran and Teach it" -Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

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